Friday, November 20, 2009

Sin and Science

Arkansas just recently lowered its high moral standards and joined the rest of the money-grubbing nation by starting a state lottery, which can be a lot of fun.  It caused a lot of uproar and petitioning and line-in-the-sand-drawing, but in the end the love of money defeated the fear of God, as it were.
Personally I have a weakness when it comes to $1 scratch-off tickets. I love them. I'm convinced that if I "focus my intention" and really concentrate, I'm going to win and I will, my powers just aren't strong enough yet.  It's like a kind of experiment, really.  It has a lot to do with quantum mechanics and Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle and laws of cause and effect and the power of the human mind to affect change on an atomic scale, and training your mind to change physical reality.  It's very scientific.  My day is coming, it just takes time to develop the kinds of powers I'm cultivating.  Recently though I've started thinking that if I did win I'd probably just feel guilty about winning money raised by feeding on the desperation of other people like me who don't have it to waste on stupid scratch-off tickets anyway; I mean people like me who are in the middle of a highly scientific and challenging exercise on the physics of the mind.
People have won though, and when they do it's big news.  In the beginning when the news was covering the opening days of the lottery everyone was talking about what they'd do with the money if they won.
Justin and I ran into an old family friend one day and were were talking about the lottery.  He said that if he had all the money in the world, not just lottery winnings, but ALL the money in the world he'd probably pay off his debt and then whatever he still owed they'd just have to wait.
One guy won something like $100,000.  He was big news that day. About three days later he was back on the news because apparently he took his winnings and decided to buy a whole lot of cocaine.  He's now facing decades in prison.  Maybe the moral minority was right, nothing good could come from the lottery in Arkansas, just a whole lot of broken-hearted poor people, rich drug addicts, and scientists.

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